In a recent update from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), significant changes have been announced regarding international student programs in public-private colleges. Dated March 22, 2024, this announcement brings pivotal adjustments that impact the post-graduation pathways for international graduates.

Effective May 15, 2024, international graduates who complete curriculum licensing programs in public-private colleges will no longer be eligible for post-graduation work permits. This change comes ahead of the previously stated date of September 1, 2024, catching many by surprise. Consequently, students intending to pursue these programs on or after May 15, 2024, must be aware of this alteration in eligibility criteria.

Despite this shift, there are still avenues available for graduates to explore in order to secure work permits in Canada. For instance, graduates can pursue work permits supported by an employer's approved labour market impact assessment (LMIA). This option becomes particularly relevant for occupations experiencing a shortage of skilled workers within the Canadian job market.

This update underscores the importance of staying informed and proactive in navigating the intricacies of immigration policies, especially for individuals considering Canada as their destination for education and career advancement.

If you're a prospective international student or graduate affected by these changes, we encourage you to reach out to us at Global Opportunities. Our team of experts is equipped to offer tailored assistance and advice to help you navigate these evolving immigration regulations successfully.